


Each year NCDPI makes 1.5 million rows of student achievement data available as open data. This goes down to each grade and subject all of NC’s 2,600 public and charter schools. The school monitor enables the public to visualize and compare this data. This encourages parent involvement and choice in their children’s current and potential schools.

Project Activity

Update #3

  • David reviewed Logit transformed plots of GLP vs EDS.
  • Amy got local datafiles up and running.
  • Jeremy investigated EVAAS growth data

Update #2

  • David reviewed his Duke Stats class project with the disag data. More to come over the next month
  • added Amy to the project and set up local dev env.
  • added issues to github
  • set plan to make a composite score to display about each school.

Update #1

  • Brian got the Makefile running (on ubuntu) to download and clean disag data and start to explore locally.
  • Got Lisa on github
  • deep discussion between all on what the data can tell us and the possible ways to display.


The specialty gamer cupcakes sold at LA Sweetz Bakery were created to perfectly relate to the game, each tile represents a unique and delicious flavor and the objective is to combine them and create the ultimate 2048 tile cupcake experience One of the best ways to beat 2048 is by keeping your largest number in a corner. I generally keep my biggest number in the top right, and have my next biggest number just to the left of it. Using this

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