Jeremy Freeman MYiClubOnline Update #28

We launched the School Profile Survey to DPS tonight!!!

  • Victor reviewed and merged outstanding PR's
    • adds the link to school report cards (Rolf)
    • Add feeder school status to profile and survey (Jeremy)
  • Victor, Rolf, and Jeremy fixed issues blocking survey launch

    • Add CC emails to charter
    • Ask for an emailed picture in survey
    • Rolf and Nicole edited and finalized survey emails for launch to DPS and Charter Schools
    • Nicole set up schoolnavigatorteam gmail account for the survey communication
    • Victor set the survey due date to match the letter from DPS to all pricipals
  • Seth and Nicole uploaded all public school principal email addresses in preparation for survey launch

  • Nicole launched survey to DPS schools
  • Sarah followed up with Lisa Stella at the Charter School Collaborative to send email out to charter school principal
    • Nicole, Jeremy, & Sarah will launch the survey to the charters consistent with the feedback from Lisa
  • Sarah and Basia discussed potential options for another round of user testing to refine information architecture of profile
  • Sarah and Basia made a recommendation of how we should link the profiles to the map view page
  • Seth reached out to the code for America team to get a Code for Durham email domain (
  • David worked on statistical analysis of public school data; David and William discussed the data

Tonight was Sarah's last night at Code for Durham, Thank You for all you have done for the School Navigator project. We wish you the best and will miss you.