Nicole Page MYiClubOnline Update #29

To date, 18 schools have at least begun to fill in their profile! We're excited for more responses to trickle in. Specific updates below:

— Victor worked on fixing the photo upload features - in the coming days he plans to update the survey such that schools can upload the photo themselves. — Nicole will send an update to the reminder email to include the note about photos - the reminder is planned to go out next meeting (7/26) to give appropriate time for people who haven't started to get the survey in. (Currently due 7/29) — Basia, Bendte, and Lauren were doing a "card sorting" design exercise to help enhance the user experience on the website. — Lauren Hirsch and John Fredrickson got added to the github. — Alex and John were working on integrating the charter listing page to link to/be consistent with the other school listings. — Seth followed up to get a codeforamerica domain for an email address for the project team. — Jeremy worked on a link from the mini-profile to main profile on the search results. — David continued to assess NCDPI data.

Thanks to all!